Hire a Bus or Coach
Choose from our yellow school buses or quality coaches
Yellow School Bus Hire v Coach Hire

Things you should research on a transport operator to ensure they are safe:
- Customer testimonials
- Maintenance Records
- Insurance Claim Records
- Driver Training and Induction
- Quality
How we cover all the bases for care free travel packages.
Not checking these things could leave you on a breakdown and stranded at a road side, with your trip in ruins.
Belle Vue specifically work with school and colleges in helping them reduce their transport budgets, ensuring they receive quality vehicles that are safe and driven by drivers that are screened and go the extra mile, ensuring all school trips are safe and fun packed.
Cost Savings
We save money on your transport budget as we operate Yellow School Buses which are government funded and have a lower standing vehicle cost than a coach. We also track all our vehicles and teach our drivers to drive more efficiently, which saves thousands of pounds on fuel. We then pass these savings back to our clients which grows our business. (Our business has quadrupled over the past four years.)
Our modern fleet of vehicles are maintained in house to DVSA standards and are quality controlled to ISO9001 quality status. We?ve invested over £3M in the past year so you can travel on a state of the art vehicle if you wish. We?re safer, cleaner and greener.
High Customer Service
Our drivers are trained in human skills not just transport skills so they connect better with people and have greater relationships with your team. This creates fun and dilutes stress. Your feedback is constantly measured on all transport movements and we make constant improvements to our services based off your feedback. This makes the service continuously improve day after day. Although we cover all the bases with H&S and compliance, we aim to create fun! Don?t all kids (and teachers) want fun on a school trip out?